
The Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District (LSID) is located in Tulare County with headquarters in Lindsay. The District extends approximately from Tonyville to Strathmore. Lewis Creek runs through the northern portion of the District and the FKC runs the length of the District from north to south. LSID was formed in 1915 and encompasses approximately 15,400 acres, includes a service area of approximately 14,000 acres of which about 12,700 acres are currently irrigated. The District serves over 550 Agricultural Accounts with an average farm size of just over 20 acres. The District also serves non-potable water to over 1200 Accounts and provides potable water to the Disadvantaged Community of Tonyville and owns 28% of the water treatment plant operated by Strathmore Public Utility District.

Over 80% of the District is planted to permanent crops, the most prevalent being citrus. Other permanent crops include Olives, and other various nut and tree fruit. In excess of 20 different crops are grown by our farmers each year.

LSID has a contract with Reclamation for Friant Division CVP supplies, LSID’s contract is for 27,500 AF Class 1 water. The District has 115 miles of pipeline. Groundwater is extracted via four district-owned wells to supply residents during winter months when the CVP supplies are low or the FKC is dewatered for maintenance. The LSID does not currently recharge groundwater within the district as most of underlying soils provide for low infiltration rates with the exception of Lewis Creek and certain other areas that will be evaluated for recharge in the future.

In addition to CVP supplies, LSID also has ownership of shares in the Wutchumna Water Company for water from the Kaweah River. LSID utilizes all of its available surface supplies to provide for a reliable dry-year supply and annually minimize the amount of groundwater used in the District. As a result, groundwater use is minimal except in extreme dry years & and during Friant-Kern Canal outages. Also, the District serves rural residential customers non-potable supplies.